
a scioly search tool

what it does

Auto-generates urls for easy search. No need to manually type anymore, at the click of a key you can open a search!

Currently works only for Forestry (2024). If you want me to add another event for this tool, let me know~

Used for multiple select dropdowns!

how to use

1. Input ranges for families/trees. To input more than one search term, separate by commas.

💡 To get all trees in family, don't input start/end tree. To input just one family, don't input end family.

2. Press enter to create the 'searches to open' list.

3. Press space to actually open the searches. Note that once a search is opened, it is not on the 'searches to open' list anymore, and a new search needs to be created.

💡 You can change how the searches are opened by clicking on the box with 'open one by one'!

💡 For the other options to work, you will need to enable popups on this website!!

searches to open